House Hunt

We heard from the Realtor on Friday. We are pondering whether to negotiate more on the price on the house we made an offer on last week. We offered him his full price, but asked him to pay the closing costs. He didn't like that. We might meet him halfway; we're still thinking about/talking about it. I was fully prepared for Michael to say that we needed to just walk away. I even told the Realtor that on the phone. "I think we'll probably just have to walk away." But, Michael said, "We'll think and pray and talk about it and make him wait a few days."

Today, we went to visit Kimberly, Dewayne, and Nathan and figured out that moving to Lakeside Highlands would cut our driving time to them in half. That's a BIG plus.

We've only had one more call (today) on our house. Still no appointments to see it, though. We are running an ad in a local paper this coming week. We will see what happens with that and then make the decision on listing with a Realtor.

Laikyn and I went into town yesterday to get some curtains for her room. She did have some sheets up on the windows to keep the light out on the weekends. While in town, we rode to a new park in Florence. It is a very pretty park and while there, I realized something. When we first moved to Florence, we did a lot of outdoor activities. I realized that we haven't done even half of what we used to do since we've moved out of the city limits. A lot of times, we just can't justify going to town and using that gas up. Especially now with the gas prices!! If we do go to town, it's usually to take care of some business, etc. We don't go much to do recreation type of things.

While we are not a family who thrives on busyness and going, going, going, it did make me a little sad when I realized how few things we do outdoors now. We moved out to the country because we thought we would love it, we wanted to have a piece of property, etc. Now we know that the country life isn't for us. However, if God says He wants us to stay here, I'm content enough to do that. Although, I will say that we have been seeing things through different eyes lately and often when that starts to happen, it means that change is coming for us.

We'll see what happens.


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