House Hunt Continues

I spoke to the Realtor this morning about getting our earnest money check back on the house on Lakeside Drive. While we were on the phone, she told me what the other house that's coming on the market this week will be set at price-wise. It will be out of our range.

BUT, she did tell me that she ran into someone at a garage sale this weekend who just happened to be the woman who made the offer that the owner on Lakeside accepted. (She never met the lady because the buyer used a different Realtor to see the house.)

Her house isn't on the market yet because she doesn't need to sell it first (must be nice). They want to do some work on it before they list it once she moves out. It also is in Lakeside Highlands. She did say that it only has 1.5 baths, but we had already decided that that was okay; as long it's not only 1 toilet, we're fine with it. (Of course, we liked the fact that the one on Lakeside had two full baths.)

Anyway, the Realtor asked her why she was selling and moving. She said that she has an elderly mother (or grandmother) living with her and she keeps falling or almost falling into their pool. The Realtor asked me, "Would y'all want a pool?"

I told her that we had a pool in our rent house in Lakeside and that we really missed having the in-ground pool since we moved here with only an above-ground pool (which is now gone, by the way). Even though a pool wasn't on our must-have list now that we've joined the YMCA, it's not something we would mind having again as long as it's in-ground. In fact, I think we would really enjoy having one again. We used the in-ground one a lot. The above-ground one not so much. (An above-ground pool doesn't hold the heat like an in-ground one does, so it was often too cold to swim here. That's why we sold it.)

Over the weekend, I used a Realtor site that had a map you could scroll through to see what properties are available in certain areas. The one other area that we would like to be in is somewhere around the YMCA in the vicinity of Darby Drive or Helton Drive. All the properties that came up in that area were WAY out of our range (by about $40,000 or more).

For myself, I am fixated on Lakeside Highlands. I don't know if I want to move if it's not in that neighborhood. I guess I would if I found the absolutely right house for us and it happens to be somewhere else. Michael doesn't want to live downtown; the homes near the Y are too expensive; the area near Huntsville Road is too iffy. Other neighborhoods in the city limits are pricey as well.

I am going to contact the Realtor that we decided to list with today and tell her that we are ready. We have not had any more calls on our house since when the paper first came out.

So many details and so many timing issues. If I think about it too much, I get nervous. Thank God that HE'S in control and orchestrating it all.


~Niki~ said…
Yes, God is in control. I feel bad that you are having to go through all of this. The market is horrible and I'm not sure what has to happen, but something should soon. IMO.
I enjoy house hunting, but it can have it's ups and downs! Good luck with yours.

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