Hooked on House Tours Blog Party
I found this cool picture of my sil Judy at our first meal in our new home on New Year's Eve 2005. My favorite food is boiled blue crabs and my in-laws drove up here with an ice chest full from S. Louisiana to help us move. Aren't they so nice? :-) In this photo, you can see what our dining room looked like when we moved in. The top of the dining room walls and the entire foyer had this hideous red and green magnolia wallpaper. Uck!

Here's the front of our house. I always say, "We live in the big white box with the circle driveway." It's just a big rectangle. We have added some pretty potted Mums since this photo was taken. The door is also now painted blue.

Here's what it looks like as you're walking through the blue front door into the foyer. This was actually taken a year ago so I had my fall welcome sign up on the door. I haven't done any fall decorating this year. Too busy working and loving on the new grandbaby! You can just see the edge of our "family picture wall" in this photo.

Here's the rest of the wall.

Here's the dining room now. It looks so plain with no artwork on the wall. But, it looks so much better than that hideous wallpaper. We added white bead board paneling to the bottom of the walls. I love that look.
Here are two shots of our kitchen. I had to get the first one in to show the finished laminate wood flooring that Michael installed. SO much better than the cracking ceramic! I sooo want to paint the bottom cabinets white, but since we had just redone the kitchen in our rent house before moving here, I haven't wanted to tackle cabinets again. Now, before long, hopefully the house will belong to someone else and they can paint them whatever color they want OR leave them just as they are!

Here's the living room. You can see what is currently my personal office area at the far end of this room. We only use 1/2 of the large room as an actual living room. I love the red and yellow color combo and I've recently decided that I would love to add some blue and white accents in the form of toile drapes and some blue and white china. Maybe in my next house?

Here's one of my favorite rooms in the house, the laundry room. Not because I love to do laundry, but just because the room is so fun.
Here are two shots of the master bedroom. In order to more effectively stage the house for selling, I recently moved all my craft stuff out of the room and moved the dresser into the room. The dresser was in our very large closet (pictured below); now the craft stuff is in there instead. Makes it look more like a bedroom.
That's the tour. I sure hope I win the prize after all this work. I HATE the way Blogger handles photos. That's about the only negative over Typepad, but it's not worth $5. a month to have easier photo insertion.
Head on over to Julia's place and check out the rest of her blog, too.
I really like your kitchen--even like the green lower cabinets. I think it's charming.
You've clearly done a lot of work and put a lot of love into your home. Thanks for inviting us inside! :-)
Did you just move in and now want to move out? Sounds like us, lol. But we are 'stuck' here because homes are not exactly selling in Michigan right now:(
Nice to meet you,
Thanks for sharing your "labor of love"
Karla & Karrie
How warm and cozy is your home! I totally feel you on the blogger/photo thing. I am use in my room maskco freshener for the best fragrance. It smelled very masculine.