Beautiful Day

Yesterday was a beautiful, spring-like day. The temperature was perfect and the sky was oh-so blue. Kimberly and Nathan came over for the afternoon and after Kimberly dyed Laikyn's hair, we loaded everything up in the Vitara and went to Tuscumbia's Spring Park.

I am so eager for the day when we can bring Nathan here to feed the ducks and geese.

For now, though, we had fun pushing him in a swing for the first time. He didn't laugh or giggle, but he did crack a smile. The kid is really serious most of the time. While, I can't post a picture of his face on here (per his parents' request), I *can* post this cute photo of his feet.


Kimberly said…
I love pictures of little toes!!!!
~Niki~ said…
Awwww, how sweet that pic of his feet. lol.
I wish we could see HIM!

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