House Hunt Over!

Well, except for the long process of actually purchasing and moving. We had an offer on our house this past week that was satisfactory to us (after a little negotiating). So, we had to make a decision on the ones we have seen up to this point. Remember the one I posted a kitchen photo of last time? That's the one we made an offer on. I snapped some photos when we were there taking a second look at it. The power is off so some of them are on the darker side. Also, the present owner still has a lot of junk (and some really beautiful antiques) in the house (even though he's not currently living there).

All the bedrooms are a good size. There are 2 larger rooms on one end of the house away from the living area. This will be what we will use as the master bedroom.

This is the master closet. Not the biggest, but we'll have to add organizational things to it because it's really just an empty box (except for the shelving unit the current owner has in it). We've looked at houses with much smaller closets. I think with the right organizers in it, we can fit a lot in here.

This will be Laikyn's room. It's right next to what we will use as the master. I think the bedrooms are the same size, actually.

However, this one has a slightly smaller closet.

And an attached 1/2 bath. (Yes, we are giving Laikyn the room with the attached bath. Aren't we so nice :-).

This is the hall bathroom. Can you tell yet that these people were not afraid of color? While I am not afraid of it either, these colors will have to go eventually.

While I'm not too crazy about the pedestal sink (because of lack of storage), there is a nice closet in the bathroom.

Here is the third bedroom. It is on the other end of the hallway from the other bedrooms. It will be used as a guest/sewing room. I love the antique bed. It reminds me a good friend of mine back in Louisiana who had a bed like this one.

More storage space.
This is looking into the living room from the hallway entrance. The living room is nice and long. While I like the color on the walls, I'm pretty sure it will clash with our bright red sofa and love seat. I guess we will paint the walls the same yellow color we have now in our current living room. We asked the seller to include the round table and 6 chairs at the far end but he refused. It's an antique and he said it's an heirloom. I can certainly understand him not including it, but man! did I want that table. It would have been the perfect spot for playing cards or doing a puzzle or scrapbooking while the family's watching TV. I'm sure we'll find something to put in its place that will serve the same purpose.

This is looking into the living room from the other end (from the dining room/kitchen area. We asked for and got the curtains in here. I think I will move them into the dining/kitchen area.

Now for the best part --- here is the view from the living room into the dining/kitchen area.

Here's the dining area. I have dreams of adding pantry-type cabinets along the whole wall in the picture below. We priced some last night. We might have to buy some unfinished ones and stain them ourselves to match the kitchen cabinets. We also talked about doing a finish that is totally different from the kitchen cabinets. What do y'all think?

The color in the dining/kitchen area is nearly the same color that we painted the dining/kitchen in our former rent house. So no painting necessary here. There's plenty of room for our table -- even with the leaf in it. The ceiling fan has got to go! I have a beautiful Tiffany-style light fixture that Michael and the girls bought me for my birthday one year that we excluded from the items included in the sale of our home. There is a matching straight-line fixture that we could buy for the kitchen and then hang the pendant-style fixture we have over the dining room table.

This kitchen is SO nice! I love it. It was redone a few years ago and the cabinets are a light pickled finish. After all the houses we looked at over the last 3 months and 99% of them having kitchens that needed updating terribly, I'm so excited that we are getting a house that has a nice, new kitchen with nice cabinet doors that close completely and drawers that slide in and out smoothly. The ONLY negative about this kitchen is the fact that there is no pantry but as I said above, there is plenty room to add pantry storage in the dining room.

This cabinet is a broom closet. (Not sure why the brooms aren't in it!) All appliances are included in the sale of the house. The refrigerator is a little small but the space is large enough to add a larger one eventually.

One of the comprises we made with choosing this particular house is that the laundry room only has an exterior entrance. This is a shot of the patio off the dining room and the entrance to the laundry room.

We plan to eventually enclose this entrance somehow. Poor Laikyn will have to tough it out for a while, though, until we do. Here's the inside of the laundry room.

There is room (if we shorten the shelves) next to the dryer to put our upright freezer. It will be so good not to have to walk all the way out to the barn to get meat to defrost for supper.

Another compromise we made was that there is no shed/workshop (unless you count the plastic one in the photo below). With the money we are saving by buying a smaller house and paying off some other bills, we can save for about 3 months and be able to purchase a workshop/shed from Lowe's or Home Depot.

Okay! That's the tour. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go through all the steps involved in selling ours and buying this one. Our contracts have closing on or before March 15th so that's our goal (hopefully sooner, though).


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