House Hunt

We are looking at 4 more houses today. The one in Lakeside Highlands finally came on the market. It's not a great sign that there are NO photos of the interior of the house. But, we'll see. It does have an in-ground pool. That's a plus. It's in Lakeside Highlands. Another plus. It's small, though. A negative (perhaps).

Several of the ones we are looking at today actually have nice kitchens (very unusual in our price range; of course, they are at the upper end of our range). One of the new ones we looked at last weekend had a nice kitchen, too. It was a nice house, but when we went into the back yard (with no fence) the dogs in the yard next door barked ferociously at us. We would have had to park one car on the street. Michael really liked it, so it may still be on the list even though it was priced a little higher than what we really want. It's only been on the market about a week, so negotiating power might not be so great at this point.

We have scratched the one with the wrap-around front porch off our list. The one near the hospital is still on the list of possibilities, though.

The lady that we have been expecting an offer from on our house came this week to look at it again. Don't know if that is a good sign or a bad one.


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