Got a Job!

I had job offers from two places yesterday: Sears and K Mart. Since I didn't have any other offers on the table, I took the job at Sears, even though it is only seasonal. Of course, there is the possibility of it turning into a permanent job after the holidays. I'm still looking, though, since retail isn't my first choice. I'd much prefer something in an office, but for now, I'm taking it! It's only part-time, but it offered the possibility of more hours than the job at K Mart. I should start next week.

When I first got the offer from K Mart (in the morning), I called one other place that I had applied at because I knew they were conducting interviews this week and I wanted to know the status of things before I accepted K Mart. This was for a part-time office assistant job at a saddle company. I was totally floored when the guy told me that they had received well over 100 applications (!!) and they were only choosing 5-10 to call for interviews. Yikes! How is a person supposed to stand out in a crowd like that??? Needless to say, they didn't call me back for an interview.

Another thing that floored me was at one of the staffing agencies I applied with yesterday. The girl who interviewed me looked like she was barely out of high school. She has been with the staffing company two weeks and they just promoted her to manager of one of their stores. That is a really hard pill to swallow for someone like me who can hardly get a interview with any companies.

This morning I got a call from one of the staffing places for a temporary position tomorrow and Friday, but I had to turn them down since my orientation with Sears is sometime this week. They had originally scheduled the orientation for today at 3:00, but then the orientation person called me saying not to come in, because they need to run the background check first. Michael wanted to know what I thought would happen when they find my rap sheet. :-)

One of the other staffing agencies I applied at yesterday was Manpower. They are the most professional one that I've gone to. Lyons HR was a close second, though. I need to go back to Manpower and take their Word and Excel tests. Since Excel is not my strongest computing skill, I spent some time online this morning with Microsoft's tutorials. I learned a lot, so I hope it helps. What I liked about Manpower was that they gave me a business card and told me to call if I needed anything. What a concept for a business!! Only one other staffing agency did that, but I didn't get a good feeling about them. The guy made me feel like he was promising me the moon.

Anyway, I'll be glad to get some "real-world" work experience on my record after a 20-year hiatus.

After that full day of applying for jobs, I actually made it to Pilates class after an entire month of missing classes. I could feel the difference in my muscles after skipping for that long. It felt good to get back into the routine and I feel the tightness returning to my powerhouse!!

It's so pretty right now here. We've been having really gorgeous weather and the leaves are at their peak. My birthday is Saturday and we are finally doing what I said I wanted to do two years ago for my birthday -- we're going to Monte Sano Park in Huntsville for the day. I hope the weather holds out. It's supposed to rain the latter part of this week, but it's *supposed* to be dry again for Saturday. It just might be a little cooler than I'd wish it to be. I hope not. Mid 70s is what I'm hoping for. The only disappointment is that my friends aren't able to make it. They're making up for it by taking me out to lunch on Friday. Woohoo!!


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