Kudos to Laikyn

With all the talk of moving back into town, Laikyn has been considering finding a job in town once we move. The job she has now at the Lynn's horse farm is out here in the county near where we live now. Once we move, her commute will lengthen quite a bit.

This week, Laikyn's boss asked her about this. Mrs. Lynn told her that while they know she will not always work there, they aren't ready to lose her as an employee just yet. She's a hard worker, dependable, and fast at her job. They offered to pay her gas bill to get back and forth to work if she will stay! She decided that she will stay. They pay her well and she knows that another job in town won't match the pay she has at the farm.

I'm so proud of her. She is all those things that her boss said about her. She has inherited her dad's awesome work ethic!!


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