House Hunt Continues

Laikyn and I viewed 4 houses today--the two that I showed pics of the other day plus two others. The green cottage was SOOOO cute and I absolutely LOVED it, but the kitchen was tiny and the washer and dryer were in the tiny kitchen, too! The dining room was small also. I was trying to think of things we could do to remodel, but the price isn't really conducive to our remodeling it as well. Of course, we could make an offer for lower than what they're asking, but for now we're just going to keep looking.

We aren't opposed to getting something that needs some updating *IF* the price is right, because it would allow us to make the home into what we want.

The stone cottage also would need some adjusting of the layout. I didn't love it enough to even seriously consider it and it also was not at a price conducive to remodeling.

On the way to one of the other houses we looked at today is a yellow ranch-style house that I commented on each time we passed by it. It was really cute and I LOVE yellow houses. Well, today when I got the new home finder book, the yellow house was in it!! I was so excited!!! The neighborhood was one that we really liked the feel of and it was a house that caught my eye each time I passed it. I never noticed a for sale sign in the yard, but the other one we looked at on the same street didn't have one either. I immediately called the realtor, and to my great disappointment, it has sold already. :-(

One house we looked at has serious settling problems, so it was nixed! It is owned by what the realtor called "an eccentric fellow." He wants to sell the house and all the contents and move to Las Vegas. There was SO MUCH stuff in that house!! So much storage in it, and almost every closet we opened was filled with nice, plush, white bath towels!! Funny!

The other one was really a LARGE house, but it needs updating terribly. The owner wants an offer, though, so it's one to consider. The realtor is checking on what is under the carpets. If it has hardwoods under the carpet (which a lot of these mid-century homes do & it just KILLS me), then the floors wouldn't have to be replaced, maybe only refinished, maybe only uncovered. The kitchen needs to be gutted, though. The bedrooms were all HUGE and each had TWO closets!! There was a nice-sized laundry room with lots of cabinets for storage. The living room was enormous and there was a large-sized dining room off the kitchen. It has a lot of potential, but it didn't scream, "I'm it!" to me. ;-0

I've spent most of the evening looking through the new home finder book and on the computer at realty sites. I requested appointments for several properties. One excellent thing taking place through all this is that I'm finally learning some of the areas in our very-spread-out town. I still have barely scratched the surface, but I'm learning what areas are acceptable and which ones aren't so when I look at property addresses, I can make a judgement call about it without having to drive by most of them to check it out.

As a side note, does anyone else INSIST, like I do, on spelling "judgement" with an "e"? I know the spell-check says it's wrong, but the dictionary says it's an acceptable spelling. "Judgment" just DOES NOT look right to me!!


I too LOVE yellow houses and I'm with you judgement has an "e"

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