The Dreaded Asthma Struck Again

Laikyn has been doing so well lately with her asthma. She has hardly had to use her rescue inhaler. Yesterday, we were at the Y working out and she came to me on the treadmill and said, "I'm having trouble breathing. I just did my inhaler." I told her to go get some hot coffee. She did and then came back a few minutes later and said, "I drank the coffee, and it's not getting any better. I'm starting to get light-headed."

I got off the treadmill and we rushed out and to the doctor's office, which was just around the corner. When we got to the counter and I told the receptionist Laikyn was having a severe asthma attack, she said, "I don't have a doctor. They're gone at 4:30." It was about 4:40.

I said, "Is there a nurse that can give her a breathing treatment???"

She said, "Let me check."

We sat in the lobby and Laikyn said her hands were starting to tingle. The nurse came and got us and brought us to the back, stopping to weigh her on the way!!! (Sometimes I wonder what these people at this doctor's office are thinking; I think I should look for another doctor for her.)

They put her in a room and took her blood pressure, etc. All the while, she's struggling to breathe and nobody is getting the breathing treatment ready. Finally, another nurse came in and asked the one attending to us what the doctor had said. The attending nurse said, "He wants y'all to get the treatment ready." ARGH!! BTW, the doctor was there still. :-0

As the nurse was finally getting the machine set up and the medicine poured in, etc. I could tell Laikyn was starting to panic. She looked like she was about to pass out. She started crying. I started tearing up. I hate this stupid disease! Is there anything more scary than not being able to breathe? Is there anything more frustrating than to see your child not being able to breathe? So absolutely helpless feeling!

She said later that she started to panic because everything was starting to go black.

The breathing treatment helped, as it always does. I finally got him to write a prescription for us to get a machine for home. We picked it up today. It will go in its little travel case along with a power converter and in the car with us whenever we go out anywhere.

Both times this has happened this year (back in May and this week), we've been really close at missing the doctors. I had no idea what time they left the office, so I drove there instead of the hospital since it was closer. What if they had been gone for the day? She probably wouldn't have made it to the hospital.

Last time in May, it was very early in the morning. She was at work, so I had a co-worker drive her to the doctor's office and I met them there. I had no idea if the office was even open, but it was closer than the hospital from work. I tried calling, but you can never talk to an actual person when you call there. All I got was an option to leave a message for a particular doctor's nurse.

Why is it so hard to make the decision to look for another doctor? I don't think about it until things like this happen and the professionals there infuriate me with their lackadaisical attitude. They aren't all that way, but NONE of them should be that way.

I also hate the thought of all the steroids she has to take. There has to be something natural that will work. I've read about salt inhalers. When we were considering a trip up to some caves in Kentucky last year, I wondered if it would be dangerous for her to go in the caves. I researched and found out that there are actually speleology treatments for asthma sufferers. The air in the caves is good for them.


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