Julia over at Hooked on Houses is hosting a tour blog party . It's raining here today, so I was thinking, "Well, today wouldn't be a good day to take pics." Then, I was looking through previous posts on Hooked on Houses where she mentioned fuzzy MLS photos, and I thought, "I can use the very good photos Deidre took for our MLS listing for the tour!" Well, I just looked at the first photo that I saved from the listing and they are tiny . So, now I'll have to scour my computer finding photos of our house to share. Oh, well. I found this cool picture of my sil Judy at our first meal in our new home on New Year's Eve 2005. My favorite food is boiled blue crabs and my in-laws drove up here with an ice chest full from S. Louisiana to help us move. Aren't they so nice? :-) In this photo, you can see what our dining room looked like when we moved in. The top of the dining room walls and the entire foyer had this hideous red and green magnolia wallpaper. ...
Nathan Flynn Broyles has arrived! At his parents request, I won't be posting any pics of his face on my blog. Mom and baby are doing well. They came home from the hospital yesterday. I cannot explain how I feel about this child. It is totally different than the emotions I experienced with my daughters' births. For example, when he cries, I think it is the most amazing sound. When my daughters cried, I stressed out, wondering what was wrong with them. Is it just maturity and having gone through it already and knowing that all will be well in the end? Or is it that I'm not responsible for him that makes me enjoy his cries? Another neat thing about his being here is that now not only do my daughter and I relate mother-to-daughter but also mother-to-mother. Having Nathan has done exactly what having Kimberly did in our lives --- it has changed them. Nothing will change your life like having a child (except maybe having a grandchild!)
I decided that I am moving back to Blogger. I also decided that I'm not transferring all my posts from Typepad to here. I seriously doubt that anyone will be looking for my old ramblings anyway. :-)