Adjusting & Contemplating Change

Kimberly, Dewayne, and the baby moved out late last week. I'm happy for them because they now have MUCH more room than they did here in Kimberly's old bedroom, but we sure do miss having them here. They came for a visit today. Laikyn said it looked like Nathan had gotten fatter in just a few days! :-)

He's got a double chin and rolls on the back of his neck. Too cute! I'm soooo in love!!!

Since we now have two bedrooms more than we need here, we are contemplating moving into a smaller house (with a smaller note) back inside the city limits of Florence. I, for one, have really missed living in town, closer to shopping, etc. I've missed having the services in town, too, like curbside recycling and large trash pick-up (limbs, etc.).

Laikyn and I spent yesterday morning and part of the afternoon driving by some properties for sale. Even after living here nearly five years, we still don't know all the different neighborhoods. We have appointments to see two properties tomorrow. Here's one of them:

Here's one that I am most eager to see later in the week.

The street that this one is on has another house for sale that we will also see tomorrow. The street is a cute, quiet cul-de-sac that is very wooded. That means lots of birds, which is right up my alley!

Please remember us in your prayers if you think about it and the Lord leads you to. We pray that everything falls into place --- for us to sell our home, find something else in the right place, at the right price and right size.


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