Learning Transcribing

I have recently started taking a transcriber class. I listened to the first class call last night. I have some homework to do, which will include practicing transcribing a previous call and brushing up on grammar. Even though I just listened to the call last night, it actually took place last Thursday and I did some practice transcribing last week. At first it was a little overwhelming, but I practiced again last night after listening to the call and it was a little more comfortable. The company offering the class is owned by an acquaintance of ours who lives just north of us in Tennessee. She owns Internet Transcribers (I.T.), which is the company I will be trying to get a job with after I finish the class in 3 weeks. I will be able to work here at home and bring in extra money. The class instructor works for I.T. and is a homeschooling mother like me. As an example, last week she took four transcribing jobs over a four-day period and earned about $250, while running her household and teaching her children and all the responsibilities that go with that. In other words, she was able to do all the normal stuff of her life and still bring in $250 over a four-day period. Previously she was managing I.T. until it became a full time job because of the company’s growth. She couldn’t do that and still be a homeschooling mom, so she went back to transcribing only. Transcribers who work for I.T. are able to decide how much or how little they want to work. I also have the option of working on my own and getting my own clients, but I want to start off working for I.T. Then if I decide to branch out on my own later, I can. I think it is something I will enjoy doing, and the neat part about transcribing for I.T. is that the majority of what gets transcribed is audio from business seminars, so you are learning business without having to pay to go to the seminars—you actually get paid for listening and transcribing! I.T. just recently lost one of their transcribers because she learned so much from listening to the business tapes, she’s opened her own internet business.


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