Fear Paralysis

Having been unemployed since 11/2020 and unable to find a job, I've waffled back and forth between finding something to do from home in the crafting field and accepting ANY job offer I can get. My heart really longs to be home but not in an idle way. I want to be able to make some money with my quilting and sewing. Yet, I find myself paralyzed at times and unable to move forward with doing anything to earn some money through crafting. Other times, I am overwhelmed with all the thoughts in my head about different things I could do. I feel lost with no direction. I also know that my health hinders me from doing all the things I would like to do, so how can I depend on a home-based business for even partial income?

I've tried making some project bags for cross stitch projects, but it feels like I'm constantly trying to figure out the best way to go about making them. I make one or two here and a few weeks later another few. I made one today using a different technique than I have been, and it took me 2.5 hours to make it --  and I still haven't cleaned up all the mess from making it. Now I'm thinking about getting this blog up and running again and sitting here typing when I realize how much every part of my body hurts and I just get so discouraged! Around and around go these thoughts in my head! Stop, already!!

How do you handle paralysis from fear? Do you have any words of wisdom for me? 


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