Dedication Gown
What does this:

Plus a good portion of this:

In this case, it equals this:

This was the first time I tried my hand at lace shaping.
Here's what the yoke looked like after I'd shaped the lace
and sprayed it well with spray starch.

This was also the first time I'd used a pattern out of Sew Beautiful magazine. I have to say that I was less than impressed. None of these laces and entredeux are cheap and the pattern underestimated nearly every item on the list. I had to go back and buy more fabric, more entredeux (both ones called for). I also thought the directions were lacking. Even though I am an experienced seamtress, this was the first heirloom project I've done. I chose this ones from the ones that Kimberly listed as her favorites because it said it was for beginners. There were several things I did wrong because the directions were not clear (or perhaps because there weren't enough diagrams). I realized after I had finished the steps, Oh, I actually was supposed to do this.
I couldn't find any ivory-colored Swiss embroidery insertion, so I made some myself using a decorative stitch on my machine.
The only thing left to do is the buttonholes and buttons.