Metamorphosis Metaphor
Last year, my daughters discovered a unique white wooly caterpillar on our front porch. We never could identify it; the closest we came was some kind of tropical rainforest caterpillar. South Louisiana is hot, but it isn’t quite tropical rainforest. Anyway, we put it in a jar with a twig and some leaves and watched it spin its silky cocoon. A truly amazing phenomenon! This was the first time we’d ever done anything like this, so we were totally in the dark as to what processes would take place, what, if anything, it would need, what amount of time it would take, etc. We knew absolutely nothing! We watched and watched while the caterpillar stayed in the cocoon and shriveled to what appeared to be nothingness. Long weeks passed and still there were no signs of life; quite the opposite indeed—it looked positively dead . One day as we were cleaning house, I decided that was the day the experiment would be thrown out. I grabbed the jar and to my great surprise, there was a white moth! By no...